Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our Crazy Colic Nights

Erin is doing mighty fine. In our home we have gotten used to the evening wailings of our baby. She has a great set of lungs and knows how to cry, really well. She goes into frantic mode every evening before she nods off to sleep. She is sleeping better and better every night, but can't go without her nightly screams. It is a much different picture than I had of quietly rocking her, singing a lullaby of sorts as she peacefully drifted off to sleep. Instead, I sing the lullaby to myself in my head to keep from holding her too tightly and squeezing!!! Don't call DHS, I'm fine but I do look forward to the day she grows out of this phase. And please no stories about how your kid didn't grow out of it until they were five. I need to be able to believe that this will end soon! On a positive note...she is taking the binky now and seems to like it. See friends...binky therapy worked!!


Quin's momma said...

Singing lullabies to yourself is a good idea. Way to keep from squeezing too hard. I think I may have done the same thing....great minds, I tell you!

Craig said...

Well, my kid didn't get over it until... Uh, nevermind. :)

Give Darren plenty of chances to love the girl. I am sure he does anyway, but that is what spouses are for, right??

Mark Youngs said...

binky's are wonderful! but I guess it doesn't soothe her during her screaming mode??? maybe soon. XOXO, mom

p.s. loved seeing your family & amy's last weekend. we love you all!

Sally said...

Maybe some day you will realize that this is a good thing. At least now you won't want to hold onto her being a baby until she is ten, all the while letting her bring her blanket to church with her

Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

They get over it way before 5. I would say around 4 and 3/4 the boys were fine JK! Hang in there!

Izzy said...

You are the funniest girl!

I love you and will get better! Well you DO know're the mother of 4!!!!!

Love ya girl!