Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Birfday and more Halloween

I woke up filthy, stinkin, rich on my birthday this year! Darren was expecting some extra $ this month from some trainings he had done. Now, we all know that we spend what we make, but after the baby we are still trying to pay off a few bills. I said, "Whenever you finally do get this money, can I just roll around on the bed with it for a while before it vanishes?" So I woke up to
100 dollar bills on my bed to "roll around in". Heck, the bills can wait, I'm going shopping! He made me breakfast too and we got to spend the day together driving to OKC and back. It was a great day! Thanks for all the birthday wishes from so many of you! Enjoy the pics below...
Money, money, money, money........Moooonnneeeeyyyy!
Trick or treating

Sometimes I think I would never have anything to write about if I didn't have Cameron. That kid has some great material for blogging. He takes the cake again with this one...As he walked away from a house while trick-or-treating he yells back to me, "Mom..... that lady smokes!" And I mean the kind of yell that he would use to tell me the house is on fire! The lady is behind her truck smoking a cigarette, talking on her cell phone, and handing out candy to kids. Talk about multi-tasking! I just moved on quietly and hoped she hadn't seen which mom he screamed it to. So I guess we need to have the talk about why we don't publically humiliate people for smoking just because we don't do it.


Izzy said...

Kids say the darnedest. I remember when Isaac was 4 and we were in line at Kroger there was this African-American guy in line RIGHT in front of us.

It was the first time Isaac made a comment about noticing skin color differences....of course with our luck he makes it in public. Isaac said, "Mama, that man's skin in black!" I quickly replied, "No it's not black it's abuelitos. Isn't it beautiful." But inside i was like...."Oh F!"

The guy just stood there and I was standing there smiling and pretending like no big deal.....on the outside. On the inside I was wanting to *DISAPPEAR*.

I thought I HAD talked to Isaac about the rainbow of skin colors in the world???? We are Mexican...hello.

Lisa said...

I have to laugh because when he said that, for a brief moment I thought he meant the lady was really cute. You know, "That lady smokes!" Then at my usual snail's pace I put two and two together. It was so funny! You looked like you wanted to crawl into the drainage ditch!

Real Life Roberts said...

With all the plans and good intentions I had to say and celebrate your birthday...I never got there! Hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDS!! You deserve to be celebrated! So glad you had a great day! Man, I feel like time slips by way to fast...we never get to just chill out together. I'm thinking a playdate/lunch date would be fun...?