Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Puppy and The Lost Tooth

Cameron lost his first tooth tonight. He and Sarah were playing, and he was the puppy. The puppy was chewing on some clothes and she yanked it out of his mouth really hard and out flew the tooth. Forget about the fact that it wasn't even loose to start with or that it was bleeding, he thought it was the coolest thing that had ever happened to him! He wants to show it to all his friends at school and his teacher! It took him a half hour to find it after it was flung across the room. I guess that means the tooth fairy has to come tonight...crap!

Once when Lauren lost a tooth she got a pack of juicy fruit and 69 cents. Yep, that's what was in the coin tray of the car. Then I told her about the tooth fairy. So the next tooth she lost I kept forgetting and by the 4th night as I put her to bed, she handed me her tooth and said with a sweet look in her eye, "Just take it, Mom."

I looked at his mouth close to make sure all was fine and told him to not lose any more teeth because it made him look too old and I didn't want him to grow up too fast. He said he wanted to live fast and die so that he could be with Jesus. Uuuuhhh...what? This isn't the first time he has talked like this. I said, "Why? What is it going to be like?" He said, "Warm and cozy." I think he is right. Times like this I think I need to hug and kiss and love more often and not "cry over spilled milk" so much. We never know what will happen in life! But I'm sure Cameron will be here for lots of years to come giving me grief and helping me realize I need to chill out!


Amy said...

Katelyn once got the "Oh crap! What kind of change is in the couch?" tooth fairy visit too.

Now Cameron can show Thomas the bloody hole where his tooth was. Thomas will be so impressed.

See ya soon!

Holly and Chris Kneeland said...

I can not believe that is his first lost tooth! he needs to catch up with Jake, he has lost 5, 3 of them being kicked out by his brothers! And the toothfairy has missed our house plenty of nights :)!

Lisa said...

That's our Camo man! He sounds like he's going to be in "Bikers for Jesus" or something. "live fast and die so I can be with Jesus" What a hoot! I love that kid!

Real Life Roberts said...

I love the "warm and cozy" statement! Sometimes they surprise you! He really is such a cute boy!

Pepple said...

Such a cute story! Is it bad that when Jacob lost his tooth last month I went and broke into Victoria's piggy bank for the dollar?? Did Lauren tell you about all the tooth fairy talk at Activity day girls?

Sally said...

Samm keeps trying to wiggle her teeth so one will fall out. I think I would have freaked out a little bit with a bloody tooth flying across the room.

Izzy said...

I had a touching moment with my baby this week, too coincidently. Kids are so sweet! They bring such joy and hope into our lives....on the positive side! ha ha

Love - Izzy

Mike, Jen, McKenna and Jackson said...

how are you??